Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 184, July 18

 The counters, colors and railings have arrived!

 Kitchen counter & living room color:

Upstairs guest bathroom:

Master Bathroom:

Downstairs guest bathroom:

Master bathroom colors (the brown is also in the other 3 bedrooms):

Basement color:

Large deck:

(big enough to run on!!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 172, July 6

The writing is on the wall....literally!  Looks like everyone makes notes on the wall, info for cabinet installers, paint colors, etc.

What a surprise to walk into the house and see your handwriting!  They've been paying attention to you.

The list from months ago is almost done!!

Lovely name for the color of your house (which, BTW, is nearly indistinguishable from the color of our house!).

Living room fireplace:

Doing a little Vanna White flourish!

Linoleum in the art section of the basement:

The color is more accurate to the above picture, but this is a closeup of the design:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 165, June 29

Lots of work being done.....




More Cabinetry:
Utility sink in back room

Master Bathroom

His/Hers cabinet for master bathroom

Guest bathroom
Laundry Room

"Mudroom" Nook:

Beautiful rendering drawn on the wall next to the nook!

Patio waiting to be poured:

....apparently more to do:

Your family waiting for you to arrive: